Acupuncture is one type of treatment or therapy which comes from the ancient China. Since few years ago, acupuncture began to be widely used by the community, not only in
According to the study, progeria or premature aging disease is a genetic disease caused by a gene mutation. Progeria is not hereditary and not contagious. This disease is a very
There are many degenerative diseases like kidney failure, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, Parkinson’s cure are now can be cured by stem cell therapy. The good news for ladies is that
The kidney is one of the most important organs in the human body. Kidneys have a role to filter the blood. Every day we eat a variety of foods and
Diabetes Mellitus is one of the “biggest killer diseases” to humans, after heart attacks and cancer. In recent decades, the number of diabetics is becoming increasingly faster than before. Many
Health is an important factor to run life smoother and if you are healthier you have power to handle all situations in easier. Health makes you wealth i.e. if you
Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in humans. Since many years ago until now, many treatment methods are discovered and developed, but none of them can be
Are you suffering from cough often? If you are eager to be aware of home remedies to treat persistent cough, you are at the right place. You may have tried
Generally, viral infection is caused by the presence of various viruses in the human body. Depending on the type and nature of the virus, they will get infections and bad
Health and fitness is the main important concern in each and every person’s life. A good consumption of food will give you the healthy life. When your health is good