What You Should Know When Picking Up a Prescription

What You Should Know When Picking Up a Prescription
September 10 11:13 2019 Print This Article

Prescription errors are relatively rare, but when they occur, they can result in potentially fatal overdoses or other unfortunate side effects. Your pharmacy has many safeguards in place to prevent medication errors. Nevertheless, as a patient, you also have a part to play in preventing prescription medication errors. Here are some important steps you can take.

1. Know When To Go

You have a busy schedule, and making the trip to the pharmacy when it is closed is a waste of your time. You should call beforehand to find out what the hours are. Even if you call when the pharmacy is closed, IVR software for pharmacies California may be in place to inform you of the pharmacy’s hours via a recorded message. For your convenience, many pharmacies have extended hours or even 24-hour schedules.

It is also a good idea to try to time your visit during a moment when the pharmacy is not busy so you do not feel hurried through your discussion with the pharmacist. Sometimes a web search will yield this information.

2. Use the Same Pharmacy

It is a good idea to send all your prescriptions to the same pharmacy to be filled. That way, all the prescription medications you take will be in the computer system, and the pharmacist will have the necessary information to warn you of potential drug interactions.

3. Check the Label

Before leaving the pharmacy, open up the bag and read the label on the box or bottle. In particular, check that your name, the prescribing doctor’s name, and the condition the medication is supposed to treat are correct. Ask your pharmacist about any anomalies. A name that is incorrect could be a typo, or it could be an indication that you’ve received a prescription intended for somebody else.

4. Ask Questions

This is especially important when you are picking up a new prescription. Sometimes there are special considerations, unique instructions, or possible drug interactions that your doctor may not have mentioned when prescribing the medication. You should bring these up with your pharmacist, and also ask questions about anything you don’t understand. Even if you feel fairly confident about how to use the medication, ask questions for confirmation.

At some point, it may become necessary for you to ask someone else, such as a family member, to pick up a prescription for you. Before they go, be sure that they are aware of the proper procedure. In addition to the above tips, anyone who is picking up a prescription on your behalf should be prepared to confirm your name, contact information, and birthdate to the pharmacist or technician.

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About Article Author

Mike Morgan
Mike Morgan

Mike Morgan is a health enthusiast and has written several health articles for various health magazines.

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