Many men and women nowadays get health problems since a wide range of causes. Anemia is a leading health trouble in the world at this time. Anemia is a health condition in which the body does not have enough healthy blood cells. Once people have started to get reduction in their red blood cells that are highly responsible for providing oxygen to body tissues, they begin to suffer from anemia. Among many other causes behind this health problem, the most important causes are pregnancy, bleeding from the intestine, leukemia, bone marrow problems, surgery, kidney failure, improper diet, and hormonal troubles. The following details reveal the best home remedies to treat anemia within a short period.
Fresh juice of Beetroot and Apple
Fresh apples contain healthy components including iron. The highest amount of folic acid, potassium, and fiber in the beet root support sufferers of anemia to cure their problems easily. This is worthwhile to take a cup of apple juice, a cup of beetroot juice, and two teaspoons of honey in a bowl. You have to mix these three things together and have this juice at least once a day to get the most effective result. Many doctors and dieticians nowadays recommend apples and beetroots to every sufferer of anemia since they understand how these home remedies work more than medicines.
Sesame Seeds
People who intake Sesame seeds can get the most outstanding support to treat their anemia problem successfully. As compared to choosing brown or white colored Sesame seeds, this is reasonable to choose black sesame seeds that are high in iron. You have to soak fresh sesame seeds up to two hours in pure water. After that, make a paste from these sesame seeds and add honey to this paste. If you prefer this honey sesame seeds paste two times a day for a month, you can get a noticeable result in your health improvement. You can also add Sesame paste in a cup of milk and mix these things together with honey or Jaggery.
Sufferers of anemia in the beginning or serious stage can get the best support to treat their health problem when they have a preference on spinach in the routine life. Dark green leafy vegetables are rich in iron, calcium, fiber, beta carotene, Vitamin A, C, E, B9, and other nutrients. A half cup of spinach has 20% of iron required by the body daily. You have to boil spinach so as to get the complete support from these wonderful elements to be healthy. As compared to spending time to think about how to include spinach in your diet, this is valuable to include spinach in vegetable salads, celery, broccoli, kale, and other food items.
Fresh tomatoes are useful to get rid of anemia within a few weeks. People of all ages who suffer from anemia can prefer one tomato per day to get the most favorable result directly. If they eat two raw tomatoes in their sandwiches or salad, they can get the absolute natural support to improve their healthiness.
Mike Morgan is a health enthusiast and has written several health articles for various health magazines.