Infant allergies: The types and how to cope with

Infant allergies: The types and how to cope with
October 04 10:03 2015 Print This Article

babybottlesYou can detect allergy risk to your baby since the womb, but you cannot confirm it by 100%. Based on some medical studies that have been done, the movement of the esophagus and hiccups (hiccups) in the fetus increases at night until morning. Hiccup interruption can be minimized by process of food elimination. In this article, I will describe some of the characteristics of infant allergies:

1. You can detect the possibility of an allergy when your baby is experiencing shortness of breath. Shortness of breath usually occurs at the age of 3 days, and begins to improve after the first 10 days. Feeling of suffocation is usually accompanied by what is called as an enlarged thymus gland.
2. Mouth hypersensitivity. There is a mushroom-like white patches arising on the edge of the baby’s lips. The baby’s lips looked dry and your baby may be often sticking out his/her tongue and salivate.
3. Nose sensitivity. You can find some sorts of reddish spots on the cheeks, ears and groin baby. You may also find some kind of mosquito bites. In this case, babies experience intense itching that makes them cry.
4. Eyes sensitivity. Your baby has trouble in his/her eyes. The baby’s eyes may produce some sorts of eye fluid.
5. The yellow color arises on the surface of the baby’s skin. If your baby has a yellowish stains on the surface of the skin, then you can conclude that he/she was experiencing a sort of indigestion typically including constipation and constipation.
6. Your baby vomits in a long time. This indicates that the baby has the disturbance in his/her digestive tract.
7. Excessive motor activity. Babies who have unnatural and exaggerated motor activities. Your baby may be easy to feel tired of the toys and the room where they are located. Babies who have excessive motor activity are frequently looking up and moving excessively.

How to cope with infant food allergies

The main cause of infant allergies is food. This allergy is usually caused by the consumption of various foods, such as cow’s milk, sea food, cereals, nuts, and some vegetables, such as celery and spinach. Each parent is advisable to consult a doctor first before improvising on feeding for infants. All sorts of foods containing gluten (various types of wheat) should not be given to infants younger than 6 months. You also should not give the intake of sea food for your baby because it can trigger some specific allergies. Other advice is not giving foods made from beans to infants aged less than 3 years.

How to deal with allergies of babies naturally

Allergies that cause diarrhea can be overcome by giving oral rehydration fluids that are specifically intended for babies. The fluid should be conducted with doses based on the fluid emitted by the infant in the form of diarrhea or vomit. You can use the standard size of 100ml.
Allergy caused by the consumption of milk is closely related to the relationship between milk protein reaction with the baby’s immune system. Babies who constantly shed tears can be suspected experiencing milk-caused allergy. Lactose intolerance is one type of allergy caused by milk. Lactose intolerance can cause scaly skin. How to deal with milk-caused allergies can be done by replacing the formula milk with breast milk.

How to cope with infant skin allergies
Do not scratch your baby’s skin because it can cause black stains that are difficult to be removed. You can use coconut oil and aloe vera skin on your baby’s skin. Application of coconut oil and aloe vera should be done after consulting a doctor.

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Mike Morgan
Mike Morgan

Mike Morgan is a health enthusiast and has written several health articles for various health magazines.

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