Choose right food for healthy living

Choose right food for healthy living
March 14 06:24 2015 Print This Article

dietFood is the source of energy without it we cannot perform our daily task, there are different kinds of food available in the world but we should take only the food which suitable for our body type, climate and seasonal changes.  if we follow the right kind of diet every day we can avoid many diseases, food is the reason for our health and the same food is responsible for our illness  if we are good in choosing the food then our body will remain stronger for many days. The immune system in every human body will create a preventive shield against many diseases if our body does not have immunity power then we will surely get infected by diseases causing bacteria, and viruses. The food we eat should contain all the necessary nutrients like carbohydrates, fats, protein, vitamins minerals etc. if our diet has all the nutrients in it then it is called balanced diet. The fast foods are getting popular among the people but they never know how dangerous it is, the fast foods contain high amount of Trans and saturated fats in it and this will result in cholesterol formation in heart chambers and also develop heart attack. The high sodium contain in it will increase the blood pressure of the body and make us tired   and dull. God has given us many natural foods that can help in body growth then why should we choose unwanted food stuffs in our diet. The food we eat reflects our body’s health, if we consume healthy and fresh vegetables and fruits in our diet then our face will glow naturally and body will look beautiful and healthy. If we eat fried and unhealthy food everyday then our skin becomes oily and that result in many skin diseases along with it the cholesterol formation will also get increased rapidly.

foodFood that helps in preventing diseases

Natural foods are only way to prevent diseases, the plant foods such as grains, pulses, green leafy vegetables, and fruits helps in developing our immune system. People who are suffering from heart problems should choose only vegetarian foods and avoid eating animals because the chicken and mutton contains high amount of fat in it and those fat will damage our heart easily so choose only plant laden foods every day. For healthy living we need high amount of protein because it is considered as a body building nutrition so foods like egg, pulses and grains have high amount of protein in it so choosing such foods will increase the amount of cells in the body and develop immunity system.

How to maintain healthy weight?

Food is the reason for our weight if we have a balanced diet every day our body will maintain the idle weight or else we may develop extra calories in the body and that will result in weight gain. People who tend to eat natural foods known to maintain their weight than others because the natural foods are made using plants and trees so that won’t harm our body  and it is also known to give shape and shine to our body and skin.

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About Article Author

Mike Morgan
Mike Morgan

Mike Morgan is a health enthusiast and has written several health articles for various health magazines.

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