Chlamydia: Symptoms, Treatment And Prevention

Chlamydia: Symptoms, Treatment And Prevention
July 14 16:07 2017 Print This Article

Chlamydia is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in the world. It is estimated that nearly 2 million people in the United States currently have chlamydia, although more people are infected every year. It is often considered ‘symptomless,’ although this is a misnomer, and there are some symptoms to look out for. Chlamydia is a kind of bacterial infection, which is spread by the bacteria ‘Chlamydia Trachomatis’. It is spread via the genital tract, through sexual contact. While the disease is often a source of distress, it is also perhaps the most easily cured of all STDs, and with regular check-ups, can be easily diagnosed.


While people often think of Chlamydia as not having any recognizable symptoms, this is far from true. The myth comes from the fact that Chlamydia’s symptoms often do not show up for several weeks after having had sex with an infected person.

In women, the symptoms can include:

  • Vaginal Discharge
  • Nausea and Fever
  • Pain or burning during urination
  • Pain during intercourse, or during periods
  • General lower abdominal pain.
  • In men, the symptoms are broadly similar:
  • Penile Discharge
  • Testicular pain
  • Pain or burning during urination
  • Burning or itching in the opening of the penis
  • Occasional testicular swelling.


Accurate testing is by far the best way to diagnose Chlamydia. Tests are done in a laboratory, usually under the auspices of a doctor, or specific sexual health clinic. The Centre for Disease Control recommends regular screenings for women who are sexually active under the age of 24, and for all men and women who are sexually active with multiple partners. Tests can include the swab test, where a swab from the cervix in women, and the urethra in men are cultured and tested to see whether the bacteria is present. Alternatively, sometimes the urine is tested for evidence of the same bacteria.


Chlamydia is a thoroughly treatable condition if the right conditions are met. People suffering from Chlamydia are prescribed a course of antibiotics, which is generally enough to kill off the bacteria. This is usually a seven days course of antibiotics, although it can be more in severe cases. The course must be completed entirely to work properly. Infected people should refrain from having sex for seven days after the course has ended, as the bacteria can still be spread during the treatment.


Chlamydia treatment is possible, but the best way of dealing with the disease is to prevent yourself from catching it. The most practical way to avoid chlamydia is to use condoms during every sexual encounter. Chlamydia can be spread through vaginal, rectal and oral intercourse, so condoms should be used in all circumstances. Avoiding unprotected sex, especially with multiple partners, is the most effective way to prevent the transmission of the disease. Taking part in regular screenings is also a useful proactive activity. Routine testing is the best way to keep safe and knowledgeable about your sexual health.

Chlamydia is often feared, and perhaps rightly so. It can be difficult to detect for the average person and may seem threatening. However, by taking sensible precautions, and ensuring you are safe, Chlamydia can be easily avoided. Even if transmitted, Chlamydia treatment is easily arranged by a health care professional.

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Mike Morgan
Mike Morgan

Mike Morgan is a health enthusiast and has written several health articles for various health magazines.

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