5 Common Problems That Athletes Face After Getting Injured

5 Common Problems That Athletes Face After Getting Injured
August 27 17:05 2019 Print This Article

Injuries are without a doubt an inevitable consequence of indulging in sports. Both professional athletes and weekend worriers fully understand that when they push their limits while playing a game, it puts them at the risk of injuries. They know that they might get injured while training themselves for a competition or while competing, but it doesn’t stop them from doing what they love the most.

For athletes, playing sports is what brings the ultimate happiness in their lives. They are ready to face all types of challenges that come their way.

Anyone who indulges in intense physical activities can suffer from sports injuries. You don’t necessarily have to be a professional athlete to suffer from them.

Whether you talk about hamstring strain, sciatica, groin pull, tennis elbow, ACL tear, or hip flexor strain, they are common both among athletes and non-athletes.

Now let’s take a look at the problems that both athletes and non-athletes face after getting injuries.

Denial of Accepting The Problem

One of the most significant problems that people including athletes face after being injured is the denial of the severity of the injury. Their refusal to accept the fact that they might have injured themselves severely is what stops them from recovering quickly. It not only keeps them from taking the right steps but also plays a vital role in worsening their condition.

Unwillingness to Take Rest

Because they deny accepting the severity of their problem, they refuse to take rest, which worsens their injury. This stage is slightly more common among athletes when compared to non-athletes.

Since playing sports is utterly vital for them they often ignore their injuries until they face a situation where they find it difficult to get up from their bed or couch due to the pain. Their undying desire to get better with each passing day is what makes it difficult for them to avoid practice sessions even for a few days.

Experiencing Frustration

The very thought of staying away from the game even for a short time, makes athletes frustrated like anything. When their body ( especially the injured part) starts paining during the practice sessions, it takes their frustration to the next level.

The same happens with non-athletes. For example, if you are someone who has a 9-5 work schedule, and the pain that stems from your injury keeps you from focusing at your work, then it’s natural for you to feel frustrated if you are unable to fulfill your work responsibilities due to it.

Suffering From Stress

Realizing the fact that they are injured, and they won’t be able to participate in a long-awaited competition, increases the stress level of the athletes.

As an athlete, staying away from a couple of competitions is not the only reason for your growing stress level, what stresses you out the most, is the feeling of losing your reputation and eventually the career.

Again, non-athletes also experience a high level of stress when their injury starts affecting their personal and professional lives in a big way.

Suffering From Depression

Feeling depressed once in a while is common, but if you experience the same feelings for a long time, it means something is seriously wrong with you. Many athletes experience depression after receiving a severe injury, which makes their lives miserable.

Suffering from depression, which is a mental disease, is way too different from feeling depressed once in a blue moon due to a problem.

Here’s How to Recover From Sports Injuries

Sports injuries are common, which means, you can’t always prevent them. But just because you can’t always avoid them, it doesn’t mean you can’t even take the right steps to recover from them quickly. After receiving an injury, you have to take proactive steps to heal them.

Seek Quick Medical Attention

One of the first and most vital steps that you need to take, right after receiving the injury, is to consult a healthcare professional. See your physician, if you are experiencing excruciating pain. They will provide the necessary treatment to you so that you can get back to your routine life quickly.

Consult a Physical Therapist

Since sports injuries are common, and you don’t want to take medicines frequently to suppress your pain, then you should opt for a drug-free way of treating your injury such as physical therapy.

Physical therapy is excellent for addressing sports injuries.
According to Performance Therapy Institute “Physical therapists are trained to treat just about every type of sports injuries out there.”

During the initial consultation, your therapist will ask you to provide a detailed description of your symptoms, what kind of physical activities make them worst, and what type of treatment are you taking for it, if you are taking any.

Apart from that, your therapist will check your medical history and will also conduct a physical examination to find out the actual source of your pain and the exact structure that you have damaged.

Based on the root cause of the problem, your therapist will design a care plan for you that will not only help in relieving the pain but will speed up the healing process.

Apart from consulting a physician and a physical therapist, you should consume healthy food to strengthen your body and to recover from your injury.

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About Article Author

Rozy Andrew
Rozy Andrew

Rozy is a writer, student and pet lover. She loves chicken, and seeing her little pug, naughty pummy. When she is not writing, you can find her at the Starbucks.

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