3 Most Common Sports Injuries

3 Most Common Sports Injuries
September 25 10:11 2020 Print This Article

The health benefits of physical activity are undeniable. Nevertheless, participating in sports or other forms of exercise can increase the risk of certain types of injuries. Sports injuries can affect people of all ages, although children are particularly susceptible.

It is important not to ignore sports injuries but to seek treatment from Burlington physio and sports medicine as soon as possible. With treatment, many people return to their pre-injury level of function, while ignoring the symptoms can make the injury worse.

1. Knee Injuries

Knee injuries are among the most common sports injuries because the knee joints bear so much of the weight of the body and are involved in running, kicking, and other sports activities. Falling and landing on the knee can cause a sprain of the ligaments in the knee or dislocation of the bones. Twisting can cause meniscus tears. Frequent activity can cause tendonitis or other overuse injuries.

2. Shoulder Injuries

The tremendous mobility of the shoulder also makes it relatively unstable. As a result, it is another common location of sports injuries, such as dislocations. Another common shoulder injury is tearing of the rotator cuff, which is a complex network of muscles and tendons around the joint that provides range of motion.

3. Elbow Injuries

The most common sports injuries affecting the elbow are medial and lateral epicondylitis. These are known more commonly as golf or tennis elbow, respectively. With medial epicondylitis, the pain occurs over the bony prominence on the inside of the elbow joint, while lateral epicondylitis occurs on the outside. Both conditions occur due to irritation of the forearm tendons that attach at the elbow joint. The irritation arises from frequent gripping of the hand or flexion and extension of the wrist.

Not all sports injuries are musculoskeletal in nature. A blow to the head from a fall or a strike from a object could cause a traumatic brain injury such as a concussion.

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About Article Author

Mike Morgan
Mike Morgan

Mike Morgan is a health enthusiast and has written several health articles for various health magazines.

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