How to cure Common Cold with homemade remedies?

How to cure Common Cold with homemade remedies?
April 04 13:44 2015 Print This Article

coldCommon cold is the most frequent illness where everyone gets suffered twice in a year at least. A strategy showing the results that adults get twice a year and children get thrice for average. Common cold is just a sickness of the body and it doesn’t mean we are weak. We can cure the common cold more easily. The symptoms of common cold are runny nose, cough congestion, sore throat, sneezing, watery eyes, decreased appetite, breathing discomfort and mild headache. May this can differ from one people to another. Doctors and scientists say that this spreads through rhinovirus. Rhinovirus spreads through hand to hand touch, sharing the food or things with the infected person etc. There are many possibilities to cure this illness with a normal treatment. There are many home remedies for cold where we can cure by ourselves.

If we got common cold we observe that our throat feels dry and scratchy and our eyes become red hot where we can’t feel comfortable. In this case we need to drink more fluids to keep the thin mucus better. Having some hot water will feel good for some minutes. Hot water and regular bath will clean the bacteria’s in our body and makes us feel good. We have to be clean and good if we caught common cold. Many of the home remedies for cold says to have some fresh fruits and fluids will prevent the cold for a while. We should drink water or fluids from 8 to 12 glasses a day.

Cleaning ourselves is one of the best home remedies for cold. When we got cold the bacteria’s have an ability to infect us more easily. We have to wash our hands and take bath for twice or thrice a day. This habit doesn’t make the bacteria to infect our body. We feel comfortable because it relieves nasal and chest congestion. For easy breathing and to release the blocked nose we can take steam bath or steam breathe form a vessel. This inhales temporarily. Honey and lemon are the best known home remedies followed by the family all time. Most of the people recommend honey as best remedies for common cold. A mixture of hot water with lemon, honey and ginger has the ability to reduce the cough and cold so easily. These simple remedies have been prescribed by many parents to their children.

homemade remediesWe have to take our vitamins daily because it provides our body with nutrients. The nutrients help our body to battle against the virus. We have to continue this as a regular work to reduce the cold. More over people thinks that a single take of medicine will cure the cold completely. It doesn’t mean that it done we have to take step by step action to reduce the cold and prevent it before it gets attacked.Home remedies for cold will take action if it is caused by normal bacterial attacks. Some of them will catch cold by the change in weather condition and some will get cold by change in their body actions. Bacterial water is one of the reasons to get cold easily. If a person is suffering from severe cold it is important that they have to check his/her doctor.

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Mike Morgan
Mike Morgan

Mike Morgan is a health enthusiast and has written several health articles for various health magazines.

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