How physical therapy helps to cope with the post-cancer phase?

May 21 12:16 2021 Print This Article

Cancer is the abnormal cell growth in the body that leads to the destruction of normal and healthy cells. Cancer has the potential to destroy the health and functions of your body. It is crucial to inspect the early symptoms of cancer to get proper treatment. If you are at the last stage then it is quite challenging to fight against cancer. Mainly it leads to the death of the people or causes severe health problems. Cancer is capable of affecting health and its functions and can also cause death. Cancer affects about  1.5 million new cases every year from all around the world. It is painful to say that cancer is increasing as most people are not taking any precautions. 

According to the research, it was found that cancer death cases are higher among men as compared to women in the US. If we talk about worldwide cases then approximately 14 million new cancer cases are diagnosed every year. Around 8.2 million people die due to cancer as recorded. It is crucial to prefer immediate cancer treatment. Mainly, cancer and its treatment can also cause physical problems like pain, numbness, swelling of your body parts, weakness, imbalance posture of the body, difficulties in walking or moving in specific joints. In that case, physical therapy can be more beneficial. 

What is Cancer?

Can occur due to the growth of abnormal cells in the body and affect health and its functions as well. Cancer is mainly an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body. The abnormal cells are mainly involved with the other normal cells and have the potential to spread throughout the body parts. Cancer is diagnosed in adults and children. It can also affect your body parts invoking your body organs, bones. Certain types of cancer occur on a wide range.

  • Breast cancer
  • Lung cancer
  • Prostate cancer
  • Colon cancer
  • Bladder cancer
  • Skin cancer
  • Thyroid cancer and others. 

Mainly, the cancer treatment includes conventional treatment that includes surgery method, chemotherapy, radiation process, and gene therapy. There are some side effects of cancer treatment and it can also cause severe physical health-related issues that can be cured with physical therapy.

  • Pain can occur after the treatment of cancer
  • Numbness in the feet and hands are the common side effects of cancer treatment.
  • You may have swelling of lymph nodes, arms, legs, face, or torso after getting cancer treatment. 
  • Muscle weakness and joint stiffness is the major side effects that are seen after the treatment of cancer
  • Loss of bone density and endurance can also occur after treatment
  • Most people also have the loss of balance and weight gain issue after getting treatment for cancer
  • Heart problems, brain fog, can also occur

Signs and Symptoms of Cancer:

It is crucial to know the signs and symptoms of cancer to inspect early. If the cancer is left untreated due to late inspection then it can cause death. Certain symptoms may indicate the potential for causes of cancer. Common signs and symptoms include the following:

  • Unexplained loss in weight
  • Random bleeding
  • Changes in the skin
  • Fever
  • Fatigue 
  • Pain and numbness
  • Headaches
  • Cough and sometimes problems in your vision

How Can a Physical Therapist Help during cancer?

Physical therapists are well trained and highly educated. They know and understand the health condition of individuals. They take physical therapy as per the conditions of their health. It is crucial to go with physical therapy after the treatment of cancer. The physical specialist will examine your medical record to plan the exercises and other techniques accordingly. Your physical therapist will allow you to work in developing your localized treatment programs. This will help you to address your requirements and goals to achieve better health. 

According to the studies, it was found that physical therapy has the potential to improve the chance of individuals surviving cancer. Mainly the therapist designs the exercises and techniques to reduce or to prevent several problems related to cancer. 

The physical therapist also helps to diagnose cancer in an individual before and after surgery both. Mainly before the cancer treatment or surgery, they evaluate the potential problems listed in the individual’s body and help them to address them. After surgery, they perform an inspection to heal the incision site, to enhance the circulation. Physical therapy can be beneficial in reducing pain and minimizing scarring. 


Make sure to prefer physical therapy to improve your health and function of your body. It works effectively and increases the chances of survival as well. The physical therapist will ensure how people manage their cancer-related problems. They help to enhance the health and the abilities if functional. With the help of proper physical therapy, cancer patients can get instant recovery from pain, numbness, imbalance of body postures, and many more. Physical therapists also help to return to work and to perform other activities.

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Samantha Davis
Samantha Davis

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