Dyslexia Testing – How Can You Know If You Are Dyslexic or Not?

Dyslexia Testing – How Can You Know If You Are Dyslexic or Not?
May 12 12:33 2021 Print This Article

The unfortunate part of dyslexia is that many people stay and diagnose for an extended period, which is why they cannot take treatments because they are not aware of the condition they are suffering from. The first step to healing from any medical or psychological condition is its diagnosis, and that is why you have diagnosed yourself first.

Dyspraxia is also considered a childhood disorder, but it is essential to diagnose it, and you can do it at any age by Consulting with a psychologist. But there are some things that you can apply and find out if you have dyslexia testingon your own at home.

In this article, we will discuss how you can know if you have dyslexia or not.

Reading Paragraphs

The first step to diagnose yourself is to get a book and try to read a paragraph three or four times before you try to understand what it means and grasp it. Has it ever happened to you before that you read sentences repeatedly, but you cannot make a sense out of them until you read them multiple times? If you have this issue, then there are chances that you are suffering from a condition called dyspraxia.

Reading Out Loud

Do you ever find yourself avoiding the circumstances where you will have to read aloud something from a book or maybe a newspaper or magazine? If you get hesitant often when you have to read aloud, whether you are in class or sitting with your friends are family, you have dyslexia.


Do you never mix the letters, or you forget them while you are writing something? If this happens to you a lot, then it means that you are suffering from the condition called dyspraxia, which is why you need to diagnose it.


Have you ever noticed that you are having a tough time remembering the spellings of common words? The people going through this condition of dyslexia often misspelled the most common words differently and have a tough time numbering them. It is the first step towards the diagnosis of this condition.


Another thing that has been noticed about the people who are going through this condition is that they have slower reading abilities than other people. If you think that you read slowly compared to the people around you, you should get yourself tested for dyslexia because it is the most common symptom of going through this condition.

Reading is Hard

Reading is often challenging for the people who are suffering from this condition, and they avoid doing it at all costs and do not want to indulge in activities that require reading.


The people who are going to the condition of dyslexia are afraid of new changes in life because they also come with many new challenges and opportunities. If you find yourself turning down the promotions and options you are getting for your career life. It is very much possible that you are suffering from a condition called dyspraxia.

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Mike Morgan
Mike Morgan

Mike Morgan is a health enthusiast and has written several health articles for various health magazines.

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