Nose surgery is a procedure that is carried out by either an otolaryngologist, maxillofacial surgeon or a plastic surgeon. An otolaryngologist is medical specialist who deals with; nose, ear and throat. The maxillofacial surgeon focuses on the jaw, neck and face. Plastic surgeons specialize in corrective surgery of any body tissue. The procedure is carried out due to a medical condition recommended by the medical specialist or for aesthetic purposes championed by the patient. In these two categories there are things that one should do and there are those that are not to be done whether by the medical expert or the patient.
There are many medical conditions that nose surgery resolves. This is major factor to decide whether nose surgery will work or not. They include intrinsic and extrinsic diseases of the nose, nose distortion, a correction of a failed previous nose surgery, opening of an obstructed airway and correction of congenital defects and deformities. Most of these defects are accrued by the patient before birth. There are other defects that the patient acquires during his or her lifetime. They include; allergic reactions, autoimmune system diseases, bites that affect the nose, burns sustained from different sources, infections such as syphilis, a mass of clotted blood in the septum, presence of malignant tissues and inflammation affecting the nose.
For all the nose defects mentioned, it is the sole purpose of the medical specialist to decide which nose surgery will be appropriate to correct the defect. There are some cases, especially where the patient needs aesthetical modification of the nose where the doctor values the patient’s wishes. However this does not mean that the final outcome qualifies a patient to stick to a specific medical procedure. The medical specialist determines the best method by evaluating the condition and factoring in the patient medical history.
The patient is checked for amnesia, it determines his or her physical fitness for them to undergo the surgical procedure. The patient must conclusively explain ailments to the doctor. The major concern are; symptoms experienced and their duration, past surgical procedures, allergic reactions experienced, drugs being used by the patient either prescriptions or abuse and a general medical history.
Nose surgery has a high success rate for whatever the cause might be. The determining factor relies on both the patient and the medical specialist. All the information required by the specialist should be provided. This will enable them engage the best possible method that will ensure proper corrective results. The whole process of correction is tracked through photographs and the patient can ascertain if the desired results have been achieved or not. After the surgery a follow up observation should ensure that the nose heals properly.
Mike Morgan is a health enthusiast and has written several health articles for various health magazines.